Friday, December 12, 2008

Another 35,000 jobs lost

Today Bank of America announced they are cutting 35,000 jobs. This week large companies announced plans to cut over 150,000 jobs. My wife asked me, "When is this going to stop? Are we going to be eating dirt cookies soon?"

I began to think about that. Here's what I thought:

In God's eyes am I more valuable than a starving baby in Africa? Am i more valuable than a single mother living on the streets in New York or China? Am I more valuable than anyone? I don't think so. So why should I be given so much more? why should I have luxury and they eat dirt cookies. I have a computer and a home telephone and a cell phone and a GPS system in both of my cars and I can read and I can write and I eat steak when I want it. They live in dirty, ugly huts and cannot even find a bit of food. They don't even know what a GPS is. How or why is this fair?

There are some explanations, I don't like any of them.

So, what's going to happen? For me, I'm not employed. I was working for a company until June 2008. Their sales were down 70% for the month and over 35% for the year so they could no longer afford me.

So, I'm thinking about the turn of the last century and how immigrants survived. They took a boat from Ireland,France, Germany, Spain, Poland and Russia to escape the horrible conditions they faced in their own Country. They arrived here with nothing more than their desire to have a better life. Some lived under the stars and others found work and a room for board and by the kindness and necessity of others they made it. Some made it big and others were able to provide for their families and with the process our country was experiencing they became something. their children had better lives as did the three or four generations that followed.

Now today there are millions of immigrants that have taken the jobs that we as Americans didn't want. Well, didn't want is turning into, "now we need." The jobs we were willing to do are gone, outsourced to Asia and India and those that were being done by the undereducated in our country are being done by someone who doesn't even speak our language.

So, what now?

I say open your doors. I say get ready to take on boarders because as people lose their homes they'll need some place out of the elements and frankly we all have too much. If I opened my doors i could probably have another dozen people living in my house. Comfortably? No, but they would have a place to eat and sleep and isn't that what we're coming to.

Friday, October 31, 2008

four days left

I watched Barack Obama's speech from Iowa today. I have seen it before. Am I charged up by it? No, not really.

Can Barack and the Democrats fix our economy. Remember what fixed it after the great depression, two things; World War II and government intervention. The Government invested into an infrastructure and created jobs, building roads, buildings and more. We have the roads and buildings, what can Barack Obama do now? Well, under Republican rule many government jobs have disappeared. When that happened service diminished. Make a call to MediCare, see how long you wait. And once the phone is answered see if you get your problem solved.

Politicians say the government is broken and they know the way to fix it. I know the way to fix it, one word, accountability. If each government employee is accountable for their work they would improve. That improvement could make the government better.

I remember back in grade school. I was fortunate to go to a Catholic grade school. There, I was held accountable for my work. If my homework didn't get completed I was punished. Several punishments meant more severe punishments and then possible expulsion. Why don't we have the same regulations and requirements on government employees. Why hasn't the government gotten government employees to do their best? Maybe Barack Obama can motivate his employees.

So what does this have to do with the economy? If the govermnment began to hire qualified people to do jobs it could reverse part of the economic conditions. Many managers are out of work, they could bring new ideas to a stale government. These managers could provide the oversight necessary to make the government work. These new jobs would stimulate the economy.

By the way, I could be one of those mangers. (plug)

No one reads this stuff so my ranting is done. Good day to all.

Just call me Mike

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Reps vs Dems

If you are a writer you'll hate my style, I hope you can let that pass.

Can anyone tell me when the parties sat down and broke up the issues? It seems to me like they are kind of well balanced. Reps have guns and life and Dems have choice and police. I wonder how that happened. I wonder why there is such a distinct line between the two. Here's a thought, the Reps are usually in favor of guns. Guns are used to kill, why wouldn't they be in favor of abortion, they both kill? Democrats are in favor of choice or abortion and yet they tend to be against the death penalty, how does that work? Republicans are in favor of less government and yet they go to war and spend more money? Dems supposedly want more government and yet they oppose war and raise taxes. They oppose war and are in favor of abortion. Republicans favor killing our enemies if they pose a threat and Democrats want to see the threat first.

Is anyone else confused?

Republican supporters say don’t take from me and give to another. Democrats have learned that sometimes people need help and are willing to lend a hand. Ahh, but that leads to abuse of the system because the checks and balances don’t work. Democrats say this could work if there were enough people in place to police it. Republicans say we need less government and cut the jobs of the people overseeing the system. Then the system fails when they give the tax money back to the rich. they give more to the rich because they paid more. Democrats don’t understand why they would need it. They probably don't.

Argh, who needs it more? Do the wealthy need it more? Would they hire more people or expand their businesses if their taxes were less? Would they bring the outsourced jobs back to the US if their taxes were less? Would Democrats use the increased tax money properly if there was more of it?

Here is an example of tax dollars at work in a Democratic County. Take St. Louis County; it is run by Democrats. If you need a permit in St. Louis County you go to the County building fill out your paperwork go through a step by step process and you walk out with a permit. Is it perfect? NO. But they have enough people in place to get the job done and it is effective. Take Lake County Florida, run by Republicans. A permit can take up to eighteen months. And, Republicans are pro-business. Most permits in Lake County are done in order and they usually take 4-6 weeks.

In Columbus Ohio it took me four months to get a sign permit. It was a replacement sign the same size as the previous sign in exactly the same location. Columbus Ohio was overworked and understaffed.

Right now this country needs jobs. We do not need Republicans to come in and take money for necessary services and funnel them to their own pet projects like a bridge to nowhere. I see people voting Republican and they have lost their jobs, that’s confusing. The public is struggling and it needs real answers.

In Florida, they cut WorkForce jobs by 25%. Unemployment is growing and a Republican Governor cut out the jobs that help people find jobs. Does that make sense to anyone?

I understand wanting to keep more of your money, after all you earned it. I understand not liking that people get into the “system” and never leave, using “your money.” What if it was you? What if something happened in your industry and you were out of work for an extended period of time. What if your savings ran out? What if your unemployment ran out? What if you didn’t have healthcare? What if you couldn’t pay for your home? What if you couldn’t pay for daycare to go apply for a job? What would you do? Who would you turn to?

My Pharmacist example is the perfect example. When I think of job security I think of a pharmacist. There’s a job that will always be needed. Hmm, he isn’t needed anymore. He is on welfare. He lost his home. As a Republican can you look down on him? He’s now part of the problem, what if it was you?

There I am done for now. Comment, tell me I’m right. Tell me I am wrong, I want to hear.

Call me Mike

Friday, October 24, 2008

Let the house go

I could hardly believe my ears. I just heard of people who were foreclosed on. I thought it was the end of the line for those people. I thought at the end of the day they we evicted and they were homeless. I suppose there are some people that no longer have shelter. But I also heard that the banks need to recover some of the money.

So here is a scenario.
A pharmacist who lived in a 7 room home in Sumpter County Florida worked for Walgreen's. Walgreen's has figured out a way to eliminate Pharmicists at each location. The precriptions are keyed into a computer an emailed to a central location. They are reviewed and a pharmacy technician fills out the prescription at the local location. Now Walgreens has eliminated a six figure income for a $15.00 an hour job. So in the case of my pharmacist he has lost his home. He has decided that his world is coming to an end and he has stocked up on rice, beans, pasta and non-perishibles because he fears the worst.

Another individual hbought a $400,000 home. It was foreclosed on and after the preceedings the bank turned to the home owner and asked if they wanted the house? They were offered the house at $72,000. Unbelievably they turned down the bank's offer. They wouldn't even have been able to pay for that loan

Times are tough!!!

The government announced that more than two-million people have lost their jobs as of September. That doesn't count the ones that aren't already out of work. Thousands of jobs will be cut if the markets continue to drop. I am going on record as saying it wouldn't surprise me to see 40% of the population out of work before this is all over with.

What do you think?

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Save the USA

First allow me to correct a typo. In the ADLI blog I used same in place of save near the end.

Save the USA has to have integrity and passion for its cause. Save the USA is a company formed by investors without hopes of greed.

Here is the plan in a nutshell.

Since there is strength in numbers I suggest that we gather money from many sources. Collect the money and then buy out people in need who are about to be foreclosed on.

You might ask, isn’t the government going to do that?

I’ve thought they are. But what will happen? Suppose there is a family where one of the spouses has lost a job due to this horrific economy we are experiencing. They cannot afford their mortgage and even if it is renegotiated they would not be able to afford it. Their condition is dire.

What SATUSA would do is buy the property from them at their loan value or higher. (Corporate business leaders will hate this part!) Then the home owner might get cash. They might be able to start a small business and contribute instead of ask for charity.

What happens to the house? They stay there. They probably like the house or maybe even love it. And SATUSA will rent it back to them at an affordable price.

What if their condition won’t even allow them to rent? With preconditions they can stay there. As the economy recovers these people will have new opportunities and will recover, remember these are Americans. Their situation is temporary. SATUSA will insure that it is only temporary. Every other plan extends the condition.

SATUSA is a private company and it chooses to extend opportunity to these homeowners or not to. It is not socialism it is a new capitalist company.

Capitalism. The simple fact is as people invest in SATUSA it will grow. It will have to hire all types of employees from landscapers to executive level management. In the process SATUSA will be positively affecting the economy. The real estate agent and broker will be paid for every home purchased. The inspector will be paid, as will the appraiser and the title company.

A true bank Bailout.

This will bail out the banks from failed mortgages. Bad mortgages will be paid off. Banks will begin to get cash again and begin to loan again. However, as SATUSA grows it will take the place of banks and could one day eliminate the greed associated with mortgage companies and banks.

Then what?

Once the stabilization begins SATUSA will invest in manufacturing. Displaced Manufacturing experts will be needed to build new exciting products. SATUSA will invest in American companies and people who declare their patriotism. Americans are patriotic, they can be self sustaining and they can do anything. Remember “United we stand divided We Fall.”

Unite with SATUSA.
To find out more information email me and begin a dialog. Together we can Save the USA.

get a job at ALDI

Have you heard any new ideas to fix the economy and get people back to work? Me either. Here in Central Florida a report came out that there are 30 people vying for each job. 1,000 jobs and 30,000 job seekers. That was two weeks ago. By now ALDI has hired most of them. ALDI keeps advertising cashier jobs for $10 an hour and Manager Trainee jobs for $20 an hour. Sounds like a decent opportunity until you stand in line for an hour and watch two-hundred people apply for the same job, only to hear they have filled the manager trainee jobs. What if that was a five hour long expedition. There be one-thousand people vying for the positions? Suppose you were ALDI and you did that two times a week for thirteen weeks. Sounds like close to 25,000 applicants to me. Why would you need 25,000 applicants to fill a few hundred jobs in your 25 stores? You wouldn't. But what if those poor people resting on the hopes of getting a job were your target market. Wouldn't it make sense to bring them in under false pretenses of a job to show them how they can same money by using their food stamps at ALDI. That my friends is what large corporations do. And thousands of people are falling into the trap everyday. In my next blog I am going to tell you how you can become an owner in a company with scruples, morals whose sole purpose is to SAVE the USA.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Hey look the dow is up

We've all been watching our dollars evaporate as the DOW has plummeted. We have a few different 401k funds and we started in five figures and now I'd be surprised if it isn't four. One of the funds we had money in was invested in foreign stocks and the rest in American. We are not looking forward to opening that statement.

So the economy has got you down. What do you do? Do you sell or hold on?

Experts are recommending that you hold on to whatever you have. How is that working for you. You're relying on the market for your success.

What if you had a long term investment that would be slow to return but would build confidence in our economy, create thousands of new jobs, put money into the hands of those who need it most and allowed homeowners stay in their homes. Do you think it would make sense to invest in something that would bring prosperity back to the country with out costing tax payers anything?

SATUSA can do that.

More information is coming on this exciting new plan.

Mike Doran

Friday, October 10, 2008

It sure is cold in here

The Dow has dropped to below 5000 and the the temperature outside is frightfully chilly. It may only be hovering around freezing but to someone without heat or electricity it is really cold.

Job loses top all time lows and companies big and small are toppling all around us.

Equipment at the gas company is running fine. It has a few band-aids on it at the electric company but if anything goes wrong it could be disastrous. The water company has needed some new filtration equipment for months and is holding out for payments from its customers. Revenues in all utilities are lower than ever in the history of the country. Whats worse is that the suppliers that were ready to sell new electric motors and parts for the utilities have almost all disappeared.

One major ice storm and utilities would be gone.

Have you considered that when you lose your job and cannot pay the electric company it will have an effect on the whole system. Small under funded utilities companies will go first. Then as supplies for parts evaporate so will the big ones. The utilities won't be able to borrow money to fix power plants and grids. They won't be able to supply you even if you did make your payment. The suppliers cannot extend credit to companies that cannot pay and they too will dissolve.

This economic disaster can and will effect our creature comforts. It will effect the way we are used to living.

This could be the headlines in November or December. What will we do?

Just another typical day in 2008

Can I see a show of hands, who lost money yesterday? That's what I thought, most of you.

Who do you think has the answer to our failing economy?
Do you think it is going to get worse?
When will it get better?
Have you heard this is the end of the world as we know it?

Yesterday I happened to be tuned into MSNBC's end of the day bell ringer show when I heard a gasp as the DOW dropped below 9,000. I turned away and did something else and when I had returned the DOW was down to 8600. How much worse can this get. Is the bottom ZERO?

Some experts say we've seen the worst of it. Some say it is going to get worse. I say how can you tell? Jim Cramer says this is the end of the Western Financial Market. That is a bold statement.

I wonder how the government can continue to print money to solve this problem. They do not have $700 billion to fix it.

What if we pooled our resources? There is strength in numbers, right?

What I mean is, if tax payers did the opposite of what the government is doing and pooled resources and bought out the mortgages and let people stay in their homes either by renting or selling them back to them at a profit, wouldn't that begin to fix the economic crisis?

Mike Doran