Friday, December 12, 2008

Another 35,000 jobs lost

Today Bank of America announced they are cutting 35,000 jobs. This week large companies announced plans to cut over 150,000 jobs. My wife asked me, "When is this going to stop? Are we going to be eating dirt cookies soon?"

I began to think about that. Here's what I thought:

In God's eyes am I more valuable than a starving baby in Africa? Am i more valuable than a single mother living on the streets in New York or China? Am I more valuable than anyone? I don't think so. So why should I be given so much more? why should I have luxury and they eat dirt cookies. I have a computer and a home telephone and a cell phone and a GPS system in both of my cars and I can read and I can write and I eat steak when I want it. They live in dirty, ugly huts and cannot even find a bit of food. They don't even know what a GPS is. How or why is this fair?

There are some explanations, I don't like any of them.

So, what's going to happen? For me, I'm not employed. I was working for a company until June 2008. Their sales were down 70% for the month and over 35% for the year so they could no longer afford me.

So, I'm thinking about the turn of the last century and how immigrants survived. They took a boat from Ireland,France, Germany, Spain, Poland and Russia to escape the horrible conditions they faced in their own Country. They arrived here with nothing more than their desire to have a better life. Some lived under the stars and others found work and a room for board and by the kindness and necessity of others they made it. Some made it big and others were able to provide for their families and with the process our country was experiencing they became something. their children had better lives as did the three or four generations that followed.

Now today there are millions of immigrants that have taken the jobs that we as Americans didn't want. Well, didn't want is turning into, "now we need." The jobs we were willing to do are gone, outsourced to Asia and India and those that were being done by the undereducated in our country are being done by someone who doesn't even speak our language.

So, what now?

I say open your doors. I say get ready to take on boarders because as people lose their homes they'll need some place out of the elements and frankly we all have too much. If I opened my doors i could probably have another dozen people living in my house. Comfortably? No, but they would have a place to eat and sleep and isn't that what we're coming to.

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